Tuesday, September 18, 2012

200 Word Tuesday: Never again

He coughed and hacked as he made his way up the steps to his building, near collapse with the onslaught of agony raging across his body. Fire lurched from within his lungs, droplets of blood mixing with mucus from the barbed wire that dragged through his throat. Both legs were screaming from the strain they had just endured, battered and beaten non-stop for a good 10 minutes. And now, his shaking hands fumbling through his pockets searching for the one release. The keys that would keep his secret, the keys that would open the passage to salvation.

As he rattled and clanked the key into the front door of his building, it struck him, is someone watching? A quick glance behind proved his fear. Standing and staring across the street a look of concern brimmed on a man's face. A neighbor or a passer-by was unimportant. Finally the lock gave way, and in he stumbled, despondent that someone had caught him in such a state. One final door, easily unlocked and he reached his salvation. Body aching, lungs burning, throat torn he let his knees give way, falling harshly onto the rough brown carpet.

I'm never jogging again, he thought.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

...And Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Blog

So this is me, back online and in full, or full-ish (not to be confused with foolish, although that probably also applies) force.  I've got some new ideas for this blog.  I was trying to make this a total poser blog where I only wrote about things associated with writing or writing adventures, but screw that shit!  I'm gonna write whatever the heck I darn well please from here on out.  Also, I'm not going to edit myself (last sentence excluded).  I'm always sure what I throw out on the interwebs will come back to bite me in the ass someday, but there's always that handy delete button in this program.

Here's the haps my friends:
1.  I'm going to continue the One Word Prompts, doing at least one a week
2.  I'm going to start a new line of posts called "Conversations with Myself".  "Why?" you might ask.  Well, not only does it indulge my desire to seem more schitzo that I already do, but I figure it might coax some much needed material out of myself for other projects.  Besides, it should be both entertaining and enlightening to see me talk and/or debate/argue with myself on a blog I can refer back to later instead of doing it all in my head and forgetting it 10 minutes later.
3.  RunningNekkid, I might be stealing '100 Word Wednesdays' from you.  I haven't decided yet, but it's a definite possibility... so yes, I will be doing that.
4.  I'm also going to start posting sections from my writing endeavors for all to read, comment on, etc. (I will only accept non-threatening, positive feedback.  Something akin to "I love this, you're totally awesome".  But please do not compare me to Jesus, I get that all the time and I'll have none of it)

That's it, that's all I got right now.  I'd like to thank insomnia for giving me time to write this post.  I'd also like to thank whatever brain chemicals lulled me out of the funk I've been in all week.  Without your contributions this post would not have been remotely possible.  Thank you, thank you everyone.  May some deity somewhere bless you, whichever one, hopefully not Shiva, that bitch destroys shit.  Thank you.
