Friday, May 25, 2012

One Word Prompt: Leading

A small boy walks through the wooded hillside.  Tired, but resilient, he led his army of teddy bears and stuffed rabbits, gorillas, and iguanas through the thick underbrush.  There was a light approaching, growing ever larger and more brilliant.  What was it?  What was waiting for him beyond the light and what would become of his ever increasing army?  Suddenly, his mom pulled back the curtain and saw her 4 year old boy with all his stuffed animals having the time of his life.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bested by the Green Man

Damn you Green Man!  You've come to entice me to create a short story about your exploits and your archetype and all I can come up with is a lousy four stanza poem.  How dare you!  Hopefully this post will find you and you'll understand that I need inspiration here dude.  So get off your ass and help me out cause I want that $0.035 per word.  (preferably around 5000 words which is the limit).  Bah!

Or... you know, whatever.

Also... YAY, I posted something here too! :)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Word Prompt: Fidget

Typing.  Typing.  Typing.
Hands always moving.
Mouse over the next button.  Tab to the next line.
Typing. Typing. Typing.
Hands always moving.
Mind racing.  Ideas pouring.
Typing.  Typing.  Typing.
Can't stop.  Can't keep up.
Typing. Stop.  Fidget.
Hands always moving.
Typing.  Stop. Fidget.
It's lost.  Ideas dried up.
Hands restless.